How should I publish my random BS writing?

You may have noticed that my artist butt has been blathering a lot about stuff like “Kindle” and “Publishing” and “Mothman erotica” lately. (Not that last one? Scrub it from your eyes.) I apologize if all that seems like a big ol’ pivot.

It ain’t, though.

I’ve been writing my own comics and blog posts this whole time. And a novel, and some other things. It’s no coincidence that my favorite people to work with are authors. I’ve been writing as much as I’ve been drawing, pretty much forever. And shall continue to do so. But these days, I figured I should also probably PUT IT SOMEWHERE.

Once I made this decision, I had to decide the following things:

  1. When should I use a pen name?
  2. Chase traditional publishers, or self publish?
  3. Where should I publish first?
  4. How do I publish something on that platform?
  5. How do I tell people about it?
  6. Do I stick to one place or go wide?
  7. How does this work for different book types (eBook, paperback, comic book)

This is going to be a monster post. If you’re not morbidly curious about all things publishing, TURN BACK NOW.

Now that’s out of the way, let’s go through each point.

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